October 2013
Snohomish: Return of the Salmon festival planned for late September - The city of Sultan will welcome its second official “Return of the Salmon” festival on Sept. 28 to celebrate the salmon that travel up the Sultan River to spawn. The festival will take place from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on First Street near Osprey Park. In addition to celebrating the fish spawning, the festival is also an official way to honor Chief John T’seul-Ted, after whom the city of Sultan is named.
September 2012
Snohomish: 7th Annual Duwamish River Festival celebrates culture and history - The Blue Heron Native Canoe, filled with members of the Snohomish Tribe paddled along the Duwamish River on Saturday, Aug. 25 to celebrate the waterway and recognized its history and culture.
Lift the sky up: A Snohomish Indian legend
American Indian Basketry [Two Volumes Bound as One, With 460 Illustrations] [Paperback]: Exhaustive, standard survey of baskets and their makers, from Alaska to South America. Describes uses — in defense and war, dress and adornment, fine art, preparing and serving food, gleaning and milling, house-building and furniture, their symbolism in mortuary customs and much more. 460 illustrations.
Answering Chief Seattle: Over the years, Chief Seattle's famous speech has been embellished, popularized, and carved into many a monument, but its origins have remained inadequately explained. Read More